Onderstaande, in januari van dit jaar geplaatste ‘zéér interessante opmerking’ haalde ik van de site: www.jihadwatch.org.

AIVD employee Outman Ben A. is accused of passing the document on, Rotterdam Court was told on Monday…The public prosecutor accuses the 34-year-old Dutchman of leaking state secrets to Islamic extremists over a period of up to a year.

How much you wanna bet “Outman Ben A.” is a variant of Osman bin A? Note that he is employed as a translator (Arabic or Turkish) and that the authorities are so dhimmified that he is identified only as a “Dutchman”. My guess is that his ancestors were not vaulting canals in wooden clogs.

Posted by: Hulegu Khan at January 11, 2005 10:00 PM